Lengthening and thickening the penis

Sexual member of the authority, which is of great importance and is an important social status for any man. The small size of the male sexual organ, is often the main cause of psychological complexes in men.

how to enlarge penis

The discontent of the men the size of your penis raises the feeling of inferiority can become a cause of failure in relationships with women. Many family conflicts occur due to dissatisfaction of sex life, because men feel whole, if the partner experiences the satisfaction of sex. Appeal to doctors to help solve a problem with the size of the penis.

Standards for the size of the penis doesn't exist. Normal for europeans is considered the size from 12 to 18 cm in the excited state. The length of the penis the man is able of erection less than 8 cm or more 20 cm can serve the cause of the problems in the sexual act. The large size of the penis of men may cause painful sensations in his sexual partner.

Each man chooses himself, satisfied, whether the size of your sexual organ, but we recommend that you consult with the experts of our clinics.

There are different indications for penis enlargement — health, functional or aesthetic, but the desire of the patient is a determining factor in this decision.

For the extension of the penis there are operational hardware and remedy methods.

Drug methods of lengthening of the penis

Safe drugs, the extension of the penis in adult men, at this time there.

For boys 13-16 years of age with a reduced level of testosterone leads to increase of the penis in the appointment czk or hormone replacement therapy. Can the uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can cause short stature, therefore, prescribe drugs should only doctor after the study of hormonal status.

Use an extender for penis enlargement

Attachment — a special device that causes the increase of the penis by 2-3 cm in length, and about 1.0-1.5 cm in circumference. Attachment — it's a fairly simple device, is easy to use, is not visible under clothing. Wearing an extender is not difficult, the extender can be worn throughout the day, while the patient can stand, lie down, walk, sit. Attachment a man wears, from 4 to 8 hours a day, regularly removing. With proper use of the extender, is not observed any side effects, the penis becomes thinner, the missing effect on fertility and potency.

When using the extender going on the mechanical stretching of tissues and the physiological division of cells of the penis, which increases penis size. Enlargement of the sexual organ is irreversible and remains for life. Wearing the extender recommended to carry out together with the LOD-therapy. In the LOD-therapy on the penis dons a glass or plastic flask, and due to the suction of air is created by the mechanism of erection. These procedures improve blood circulation in the penis member and contribute to its growth.

Attachments you can use both at home and in clinics for post-operative procedures. Checking the correctness of the use of the extender should produce a doctor, because maybe hyperextension of the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction.

Lengthening and thickening the penis

Lengthening of the penis can reach 5-6 cm in the operative treatment. Doctors of our clinic are generally produced extension of about 2-3 cm, to deteriorating blood supply of the urethra.

One of the most effective ways of lengthening the penis is a surgical procedure — dissection of the suspensory ligament, which is collected on the inner side of the penis to the pubic bone. Approximately a third of the length of the penis, his inner part, 3-5 cm, lies inside of his body, and the intersection of the volumes allows you to push the inner part of the penis out. This operation is not physically extending the cavernous body sexual organ, but only increases its visible part.

penis enlargement

The intersection of the volumes is relatively simple and bloodless operation, and now on average 30-40 minutes. Appointment of pain medication, the medication usually is not necessary already the next day after the surgery and we, as usual, the release of the patient at home. Rehabilitation period lasts for several days.

Surgery to lengthen the penis does not affect the potency, the orgasm, on the work of the urinary and other functions, does not alter the aesthetic appearance of the penis.

After surgery is recommended to wear the extender, to prevent the re-fusion of the ligaments and re-winding the hidden part of the penis.

Attachment is not only will result in a new position on the penis, but also increases the length of the penis due to its elongation. The operation enlarges the penis by 2.5 cm, and wear an extender after surgery, allows you to enlarge a penis more on 3 see

In addition to the extension of the penis, in the practice of our clinic apply the methods of surgical thickening of the penis.

For thickening the penis is used:

  • the subcutaneous introduction of fat – lipofilling, while under the skin of the penis, takes own fatty tissue of the patient. It allows you to enlarge the sex organ in diameter to 1 cm;
  • the use of derma-lipids flap from the area of the gluteus maximus folds, or the land own the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall of the patient. When it is in the patient emit a fragment, and implanted under the skin of the penis, as would its packaging. It allows you to enlarge the penis by 1-2 cm;
  • introduction under the skin of the penis hydrogel implants, or a special collagen matrix with an adult on her own tissues of the patient.

What kind of results you can expect

The most successful result after surgery will be the penis enlargement of 3.5-4 see

For the enlargement of penis in patients with erectile dysfunction the doctors of our clinic applying plastics the corpora cavernosa of the penis with the insertion of implants.

If a man is not satisfied with the length of the penis, then surgery can radically improve your sex life.

The small dimensions of the penis — this is an opportunity to get expert advice back, and not the produce itself psychological complexes.